Cataract Surgery

Cataract Surgery

Dog Cataract Can Develop So Quickly That You May Even Notice One Developing Within A Couple Of Days

01/13/2013 22:51

When it progresses it will reach the immature stage and from there, that's when the eye(s) will become cloudy to look at. This is often when people realize there is an underlying problem.

It's important to keep a couple of things in your mind. First of all, having a dog cataract doesn't automatically mean surgery is required. Don't panic--talk to your vet.

If your pet is diagnosed with cataracts, there are treatment options available which prevent that. It isn't the be all and end all of things. In fact, with dogs, just like it is with cats, their sense of smell is much greater than ours.

Kate Rieger has been owned by 15+ cats and is a champion of spay and release on her feral cat neighbors. Not all cataracts warrant surgery. A blind cat can lead a normal, happy life indoors and with proper eye medications.

However, if your pet's ocular condition is causing them pain, your vet should be able to recommend a suitable course of action. It can be reassuring to know that the pet is going to be recovering in a familiar environment.

If you do have to use eye drops to deal with the cataracts, you might start with several drops per day to lessen the inflammation. As the condition improves and your dogs eyes go back to normal, you might still have to give him/her one drop each day just to keep carefully the condition from increasing.

A puncture to the eye lens or larger congenital cataracts are more likely candidates for surgery. Some cat owners forego cataract surgery that is caused by uveitis. Uveitis already causes inflammation to the eye, so surgery can just lead to more inflammation, complications and pain.

Some breeds inherit a tendency for developing cataracts: Birmans, Himalayans, Persians and British Shorthairs. The incidence is low and the cataract tends to remain small, usually small enough to be ignored.

Pranic Healing is an ancient form of energy healing that unblocks stagnant energy from your "life centers", removing congestion and adding fresh, clean energy. He is a very happy, wonderful cat. Energy healing is amazing.

A Havanese dog is very smart, eager to please its owner, and is naturally affectionate. It's also great company for children, unlike other small dog breeds that tend to snap at little children.

What's not obvious here is how painless the gradual tissue deterioration is to Havanese dogs. Over time, the dog'd vision dim until it fades completely, but the fading will not hurt.

Certain breeds of dogs are more likely to develop harmful optical conditions, especially cataracts, than other dog types. Cataracts, which are a deconstruction of optical fibers, can lead to impaired vision and eventually blindness.

Treatments: Treatments include surgery, anti-inflammatory eye drops, antioxidant supplements, and complementary therapies. These treatments are discussed in depth in the article on my web site.

It is another sequel to keratitis and is always potentially dangerous, since penetration may occur, leading sometimes to a hernia of the iris, sometimes to illness of the anterior chamber and permanent blindness.

It really reduces the necessity of a cat eye care decision based upon limited savings. Keep the lights dim helps him see better with what eyesight he's left.

If observed carefully, the lens may be seen to wobble, if it is still attached to a number of its supporting fibers and not yet completely dislocated. A veterinary surgeon who specializes in ophthalmic work can execute an operation for the removal of the dislocated lens.